Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Kitarou series monsters

Click the upper links to see some great character art from the latest Gegege no Kitarou series!

I have no idea who this little guy is, but I love him.

More freaky-faced unknowns.

This one's the Youkai Hyakume or "hundred eyes!"


  1. Cool creatures! I love the it when one-eyed creatures have an asymmetrical nose. I've used that design myself.

  2. Spacepolicepoliceman12:16 PM

    Due to how exaggerated the tongue is on the red unknown it would stand to reason its an Akaname or one of the various other *insert unsavory substance here* lickers.

  3. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Lessee. From top to bottom that's: dosei the 'earth spirit', shidaidaka and isogashi. Hyakume takes the bottom spot, of course.
